Top Conure Cages for 2024 – Expert Reviews

So, you’ve decided to bring home a cute and playful conure parrot! Congratulations on your new feathered friend. Now, the next step is to make sure that your small conures have a comfortable and safe living space. This is where conure cages come into play. Parrots, conures, lovebird cockatiel parakeets, green cheek conures, and sun conures all need a cage that is large enough for them to move around freely and stretch their wings.

Conure cages are specifically designed bird cages that provide a secure and cozy environment for your small parrot. These cages come in different sizes and types, depending on the type of conure you have, their size, activity level, and behavior. They are also suitable for other small-sized parrots like lovebirds, cockatiels, parakeets, and green-cheeked conures. For larger-sized parrots like sun conures, you may need to look for bigger cages that can accommodate their size comfortably.

A single conure, parakeet, African grey parrot, or cockatiel may do well in a smaller cage, while a pair of green-cheeked conures or sun parakeets may need a larger flight cage. It’s essential to choose the right size and type of cage that will allow your parrots and cockatiels to move around freely and comfortably.

When selecting a conure cage for small conures, parrots, conures, lovebirds, cockatiels, parakeets, and cockatiels, consider factors such as the number of toys and perches required by your tamed or active sun conure. Also, think about whether you need additional privacy or security features like cage covers in a large birdcage.

Investing in high-quality conure cages ensures that your feathered friend, whether small conures, parakeets, parrots, or cockatiels, has an adequate living space that meets their needs. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about choosing the perfect cage for your beloved pet bird. So let’s get started!

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Conure Cage

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Conure Cage

Choosing the right cage for your conures, parakeets, cockatiels, African grey parrots, or sun parakeets is crucial for their health and happiness. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a conure cage:

Size of the Cage

The size of the cage is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a conure cage. Your conures, parakeets, cockatiels, and parrots need enough space to move around freely, stretch their wings, and play with toys. A good rule of thumb is that the cage should be at least twice as wide as your bird’s wingspan and tall enough to allow climbing and hanging.


Conures, parrots, lovebirds, cockatiels, and parakeets are active birds that require plenty of space to exercise, play, and explore. The cage should be spacious enough to accommodate toys, perches, and food bowls without crowding. A larger cage can help prevent boredom and encourage exercise for your conure.

Consider Your Conure’s Size

When choosing a conure cage, it’s essential to consider your bird’s size. Different species of conures, parakeets, cockatiels, and parrots have different sizes, so make sure you choose a cage that provides enough room for your bird to spread its wings fully. Lovebirds can also benefit from a spacious cage that allows them to move around comfortably.

Height Matters

Conures, parakeets, parrots, cockatiels, and lovebirds love climbing and hanging from perches in their cages. Therefore, the height of the cage is also an important factor to consider when selecting a conure cage. Ensure that there is enough vertical space in the cage for multiple perches at different heights.

See also Cockatiel vs Conure: Key Differences and Which to Choose? [Meaning Explained]

Material Quality

The material quality of the conure cages also matters because it affects durability and safety. Choose a sturdy metal or stainless steel frame that your conures, parakeets, cockatiels, or parrots won’t be able to easily chew through. Avoid cages made from wood or plastic as they can quickly deteriorate over time.

Easy Accessibility

It would help if you considered how easy it will be to access all areas inside the large bird cage enclosure such as cleaning trays or feeding dishes before purchasing any dometop cage model – especially if these features are not readily accessible due to design limitations. Additionally, make sure to choose a cage cover that fits properly to keep your bird safe and protected, and don’t forget to provide plenty of food for your feathered friend.

Bar Spacing

The spacing between the bars on the cage should be small enough to prevent your conure, cockatiel, parakeet, or parrot from getting its head or feet stuck. A good rule of thumb is to choose a cage with bar spacing that is no more than 1/2 inch apart.

Bottom Grate and Tray

The bottom grate and tray are essential components of any conure, cockatiel, parakeet, or parrot cage. The grate should be removable for easy cleaning, while the tray should be deep enough to catch debris and droppings effectively. Ensure that the material used for both parts is sturdy and durable.

Different Types of Conure Cages:

Different Types of Conure Cages

If you’re a conure, parakeet, cockatiel, or parrot owner, you know that providing your feathered friend with a comfortable and safe living space is essential for their overall well-being. In this article, we’ll discuss the different types of conure cages available on the market and which one is best suited for your bird’s needs.

Small Birdcages

Lovebirds, finches, and canaries are small birds that require relatively less space to live comfortably. Therefore, small birdcages are an ideal option for these birds, as well as parakeets, cockatiels, and single conure. These cages typically measure around 18 inches in width and height and are suitable for housing one or two small birds.

Small to Medium Parrot Cages

Conures, parakeets, cockatiels, and lovebirds all belong to the parrot family and require more room than smaller birds. A small to medium parrot cage with appropriately spaced bars is perfect for accommodating these birds as it provides enough space for them to move around freely. These cages usually measure between 24-30 inches in width and height.

Large Birdcages

If you want to provide your conure, parakeets, cockatiels, parrots, or lovebirds with ample room to play and exercise, then a large birdcage would be an excellent choice. Large birdcages offer plenty of space for your birds to spread their wings and fly around inside the cage without any restrictions. These cages can range from 36-48 inches in width and height.

Playtop Cage

A playtop on a medium-sized cage can provide a lot of entertainment for your conure, cockatiels, parakeets, parrot, or lovebirds as it allows them access to toys outside their regular living space. This type of cage comes equipped with a separate area at the top where you can place toys or perches so that your bird can play while still being within sight.

One Cage Per Conure

It is recommended that each conure, parrot, lovebird, cockatiel, and parakeet should have its own cage rather than sharing one with another bird. This approach ensures that each bird has enough personal space while also minimizing the risk of any territorial disputes.

Play Areas Outside of the Cage

While conure cages provide a safe and comfortable living space for your parrot, lovebird, cockatiels, and parakeets, it is essential to give them time outside their cage to exercise and socialize. You can create a play area outside of their cage by placing perches or toys in an enclosed space where they can fly and play around without any danger.

Features and Accessories of Conure Cages

Features and Accessories of Conure Cages

If you’re a conure, parakeet, cockatiel, lovebird, or parrot owner, choosing the right cage is essential to your bird’s well-being. Not only does it provide a safe and secure environment for your feathered friend, but it also allows them to exercise, play, and socialize. Here are some features and accessories of conure cages that you should consider when selecting the perfect home for your pet.


Perches are an essential accessory for any birdcage as they provide a place for your bird to rest their feet and exercise. When selecting perches for your conure, parakeet, cockatiel, parrot, or lovebird cage, make sure they are made from natural materials such as wood or rope. These materials will help keep your bird’s feet healthy by preventing sores or infections caused by standing on hard surfaces all day.

Water Bowls

Water bowls are another important feature of conure cages, as well as parrot, lovebird, and parakeet cages. Make sure the water bowl is large enough to accommodate your bird’s drinking needs throughout the day, with an inch of space for their beaks. You may also want to consider purchasing a water bottle that attaches to the side of the cage if you have a messy drinker.

Play Areas

Conures, parakeets, parrots, and lovebirds are all active birds that require plenty of playtime outside their cages. However, when they’re inside their cages, providing them with toys and other accessories can help keep them entertained and mentally stimulated. Some popular play areas include swings, ladders, hanging toys, and perches of various inch sizes.

Iron Bird Cages

Iron bird cages are popular choices for parrot and lovebird owners because they offer durability and strength that can withstand even the most enthusiastic chewers. Iron cages often come with bird-proof locks that prevent escape artists from breaking out. For smaller birds like parakeets, cages with a minimum of 18 inches in height are recommended to ensure they have enough room to move around comfortably.

Stainless Steel Cages

Stainless steel cages are a popular choice among parrot and lovebird owners due to their sleek design and easy-to-clean surface. They’re also highly durable and resistant to rust or corrosion caused by moisture or humidity in the air. For those who prefer a more decorative look, wrought iron cages are a great option. Additionally, the cages come in various sizes, ranging from small 18-inch cages for lovebirds to larger ones for parrots.

Inch Bird Cage Cons

While wrought iron bird cages are suitable for smaller birds like lovebirds, they may not provide enough space for larger parrots or green cheeks. If you have a larger bird, make sure to select a cage with appropriate dimensions that allow your bird to spread their wings and move around freely. Don’t forget to check for any available coupon deals or ratings from other customers to ensure you’re getting a high-quality cage with plenty of stars.


Accessories such as covers, locks, and toys can be added to conure, parrot, and lovebird cages to enhance your bird’s living environment. Covers help create a cozy sleeping area for your bird while locks prevent them from escaping when you’re not around. Toys provide mental stimulation and entertainment while also encouraging exercise. Our cages come in various sizes, including 24-inch and 36-inch, and can be delivered right to your doorstep.


When selecting a small parrot cage, make sure it has multiple doors to allow easy access for cleaning and maintenance. Doors should be large enough, at least 12 inches, to accommodate your hand or arm so that you can easily reach inside the cage. Also, consider the delivery options when purchasing your cage.

Play Area Fit

Make sure the play area in the parrot cage fits your bird’s size and needs. Avoid purchasing accessories that are too small or too large for your pet as this may cause injury or discomfort. Measure the inch of the cage before placing an order and don’t forget to use the coupon code for discounts during delivery.

Tips for Building Your Own Conure Cage:

Tips for Building Your Own Conure Cage

Building your parrot cage can be a great idea if you want to save money or customize the design to fit your bird’s needs. Here are some tips to help you get started: – Measure the dimensions of your parrot and calculate the appropriate cage size in inches. – Look for a coupon or discount code to save money on materials, such as wrought iron bars and hardware. – Ensure that the cage is made of durable wrought iron to withstand your parrot’s strong beak and claws.

Check online resources for DIY conure cage plans

There are many online resources available that offer DIY conure cage plans. These plans can help you get started with building your custom cage that is suitable for your parrot. You can find plans that range from simple to complex, depending on your skill level and budget. Additionally, some websites offer free delivery of materials if you purchase them using a coupon code. Make sure to measure the space where you want to place the cage and choose a plan that fits those dimensions, ensuring that the cage is the right size in inches for your parrot’s comfort.

Make sure the bar spacing is appropriate for your conure’s size and age

When building a small parrot cage, it is important to ensure that the bar spacing is appropriate for your bird’s size and age. If the bar spacing is too wide, your bird may be able to escape or become injured. On the other hand, if the bar spacing is too narrow, it may cause discomfort or even injury to your bird. Make sure to measure the bar spacing in inches and use a coupon to save on materials.

Use safe and non-toxic materials

It is essential to use safe and non-toxic materials when building a conure cage. This will help ensure that your parrot stays healthy and happy while living in their new home. Avoid using any materials that could potentially harm your bird such as treated wood or toxic paints. Don’t forget to take advantage of our special coupon code for delivery this month – JUNDELIVERY.

Consider adding features such as perches, toys, and food and water dishes

When designing your custom conure and parrot cage, consider adding features such as perches, toys, food dishes, and water dishes. These additions will make the environment more comfortable and stimulating for your bird. Take advantage of our fast delivery service and use coupon code JUN for a discount on your purchase.

Measure the space where you plan to put the cage

Before starting construction on a custom parrot cage, measure the small space where you plan on putting it. This will ensure that the finished product fits properly in its intended location. Also, consider adding a stand for easy delivery and placement.

Sources: YouTube

Choosing the Best Conure Cage for Your Feathered Friend

Choosing the right conure cage is crucial to ensure that your feathered friend, whether it’s a parrot or a conure, is happy and healthy. In this article, we have discussed various factors that you should consider when choosing a conure cage. Plus, take advantage of our special coupon code for a discount on delivery when you purchase in June.

Firstly, it’s important to choose a cage that is of the appropriate size for your parrot. You need to ensure that there is enough space for your parrot to move around freely and stretch its wings. You should consider the bar spacing of the cage, as well as the material used in its construction. Don’t forget to check for delivery options and use a coupon code for extra savings. And if you’re unsure which cage to choose, look for ones with high star ratings from other customers.

There are different types of conure cages available in the market, such as hanging cages, tabletop cages, and freestanding cages. If you’re looking for a parrot cage, delivery options are available for your convenience. Don’t forget to use your coupon code for discounts this month of June! Each type of cage has its advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose one that best suits your needs.

When selecting a conure cage for your parrot, you should also look at its features and accessories. Some cages come with perches, feeding bowls, water dispensers, and even toys to keep your parrot entertained. If you order now, you can enjoy free delivery with the coupon code JUN.

If you’re feeling creative or want to save some money, building your parrot cage can be an option too. We’ve provided some tips on how to do this effectively in our previous section. Plus, don’t forget to check for a coupon code before making your purchase to save even more on materials. Order by mid-June and enjoy free delivery on your DIY cage project.

In conclusion, choosing the right conure cage for your parrot requires careful consideration of various factors such as size, type, material used in construction, and features/accessories offered. By taking these factors into account and making an informed decision based on them, you can ensure that your feathered friend has a safe and comfortable home they can enjoy for years to come. Don’t forget to check for delivery options and use a coupon code to save some money! And if you’re looking for a new cage this month, consider getting it in time for June.

Now go ahead and pick out the perfect conure or parrot cage for your beloved pet with fast delivery! Don’t forget to use our coupon code JUN for a special discount.

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Neer is a full-time niche blogger. 🐦 Explore the captivating world of our feathered friends at As self-proclaimed bird whisperers, we're on a mission to share our love and knowledge of these incredible creatures. From mesmerizing facts to helpful tips, join us in celebrating the wonder and beauty of birds. Let's spread our wings together!